
Showing posts from 2021


 Loving the silence of these moments, feeling the universe as bubbles inside my heart, smiling at the unknown stuff, knowing that there’s nothing more to know, this in itself is enough. There’s this calm. There aren’t any questions. There aren’t any answers sought. There’s bliss in being. It’s overpowering everything else.  Ok.. I have liked  to revisit, a visit makes me feel stranger, but it’s fun.  Hmmm it’s kinda ok. Not everything needs logic. And that’s quite a logical way of thinking about it :) I deny to what I don’t affirm. This is absurdly so absolutely liberating. And I love that you do the same. Exactly same. The layers are engrossing. The vision needs to be so sharp to catch what lies at the bottom. With experience, it gets easier. Once it gets easier, the layers vanish. Were they ever there?  Love the sheer sense of ease.  The tall mountains, the snowy peaks, they stay with me.