photography and life
In photography
The "decisive moment" is that tiny, pin-prick sized point in time
When the universe makes a secret pact with
Time, light, serendipity, and often, beauty
That come together
To create the perfect, un-recreatable picture.
And you can almost believe
That the universe slightly altered itself
In some small way
For that single photographer in that single moment.
In life
The decisive moment is that gap between what you believe and what you feel
The unclutter
The moment in which the way in which you see the world changes
Almost as if the photographer's eye changed
To view the world differently.
Which creates that un-recreatable moment of clarity
In which you decide
And finally stick by it.
You must deserve the beauty awarded to you.
You must struggle. Alter yourself. Gouge out your eyes if need be.
Deserve your moment.
The "decisive moment" is that tiny, pin-prick sized point in time
When the universe makes a secret pact with
Time, light, serendipity, and often, beauty
That come together
To create the perfect, un-recreatable picture.
And you can almost believe
That the universe slightly altered itself
In some small way
For that single photographer in that single moment.
In life
The decisive moment is that gap between what you believe and what you feel
The unclutter
The moment in which the way in which you see the world changes
Almost as if the photographer's eye changed
To view the world differently.
Which creates that un-recreatable moment of clarity
In which you decide
And finally stick by it.
You must deserve the beauty awarded to you.
You must struggle. Alter yourself. Gouge out your eyes if need be.
Deserve your moment.