
Showing posts from July, 2009

dance and music

Dance! in absolute love with each and every song of love aaj kal!:) nagin music: awesome punjabi beats: awesome. you can't keep your feet on ground! Aaj din chadeya, Ye dooriyaan: speechless! and love being so.

after the piano rondevu

Night falls, the glow of the evening lamp; sitting on the couch, it's the perfect time to write poetry, create music. _________________________________ Too close, too many, so close that you can be touched, so close that they touch you, and you shrink, you shrink, shiver, contract, and then, all of a sudden, you vanish like a note of music you become a part of those vibrations You become music. ____________________________________ There are times when several things, ideas, thoughts come rushing to you, all of a sudden, at the same time, you remember all your dreams, together, and you want to hold on to them, each one of them, tightly, so that none, not even one of them can slip away, freeing themselves from the clutches, and fly out from the corners of the fluttering mind. ___________________________________ Sometimes I miss certain things, inane, trivial things: I miss living on the top floor of a very high building, with the rest of the existence beneath me, watching the sky as ...

and in early morning..

And that’s what we are. We’re little stars; little bunches of an innocent hope. Hanging in the air, we’re the drops of a nascent love, and inside us, live our promises, thrive our dreams, and bloom the buds of our aboriginal insights. We’re our little stories, our little fears, our little faiths, our little glory. And when the sun comes up and lights up the days, we’re the sunshine, we are the rays of that immaculate light which paints the oceans in dazzling blue and gives life to all living beings. We’re the flowers of vibrant colors, we’re the tiny ships sailing towards our unknown destinations, we’re the boats of hope, the touch to immortality, the music of creator, the devotion of the earth. We’re bubbles of existence, tiny packets of faith, the parcels of life, the carriers of tranquility. We’re the serendipity of the dawn, the silence of the noon, the radiance of twilight, the mystery of the night. We’re the nomads, the seekers of unknown; we’re the thirst of our souls, the reaso...

overwhelmed by music

You move me, enchant me, make me cry and make me sigh. I can only gaze wistfully, enjoy the moment, and yearn to live the moment forever. Float, and realize the material being I am made of, for I am far away floating, soaring, high up. Dream, for what is reality but a dream, and the unreal one is the fleeting glimpse of what may be; and what may be is eternal Free, the shackles can not reach one in this plane, a plane so enchanting and ephemeral that one wants it to linger on. Die holding this moment, frozen in the temporal conciousness, this memory of guitar, the cells arranged to tell me, I am "feeling" this. The record is over. The music stopped. A melody. A lifetime. A moment of silence. Bliss that it is.
There's something exhilarating about wandering in the dark, walking in the night, writing in the light of an LCD screen, with the mere awareness of your nose, hands, fingers and hair that are eerily visible, hearing the birds chirp when you go into the balcony early morning and realise that you had missed their chatter for so many mornings, standing there and feeling the much needed chill of the fresh air on your face,thinking of characters that live in parallel universes, the smoothness of nature, the sharpness of branches that lie unclothed, conversations that get lost in other conversations,in dreams and in sleep, about remembering the feel of things, of thoughts, the smell of a room that was solely yours, the look of a library, the fear of losing to yourself, the excitement of growing up and learning,the appearance of a world that was new and then the transitions that followed, in going through the cycle. A little boy comes running, keeps rambling here and there. You know who i...

midnight's wanderings

The night, the soothing night, comes with it the silvery moon, throwing its light on my pillow, peeping into my room, gently, treading softly. One should write down thoughts as they occur because otherwise, they are lost. You may not forget the idea but it's the details, the layout of the story, the argument and the content or just the free flow of one thing after another that your sleep might take away with it, or maybe it's just the weariness of the days that make you lose track. Last night, I read an article online. It was an anaylsis of human nature and behavior and the motives that guide us, applying theories from various fields, examining various things in that context, politics in the aftermath of the cold war, game theory, prisoner's dilemma, the struggle for power, in politics, in society, in the family, everywhere, ideals and ideas of what's normal, a growing trend to have a label, a justification, a name for low phases, a disorder to explain what's not pe...
Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you."
The air is carrying the fragrance of rains. the mystic aura. I felt nostalgic last night for some moments. Wanted to be with mom. wanted to hug her. knowing that we're always connected through thoughts, was missing her. wondering why isn't it raining the way it should've been raining.. something from Rumi, was reminded of it while talking to a friend on phone. Come, Come Whoever you are wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving Come, ours is not a caravan of Despair though you've broken your vow a thousand times Come, Come again -Rumi


Once again, it's hard to believe. It's almost impossible. Yet Someone somewhere always does something so sweet that I'm left in a trance-like state. Quiet, totally stumped, wordless, clueless, amazed with a deep gratitude within. Around an year ago, when I'd listenedt to this song for the first time, it had rained that day. I responded to the rain the way I usually do. Feeling high, ecstatic, heavenly, uncontrolled, mad, like a child. I wasn't mesmerized by some miraculous feeling the way I am right now. I remember listening to this song day in and day out for many many days. And after ensuring that it's a part of my soul now, it slipped away. somewhere far off. somewhere deep within. lost it was. To return the way it did today. Last night, I'd read an article online. As I woke up in the morning, I was very calm, quiet, feeling immense peace, happiness, joy. As I was attending the first class, (which I actually loved attending) suddenly was reminded of this ...
It's raining here. Rained last night too and it was awesome. Suddenly have started missing so many things. Miss the early morning walks, miss the midnight meditation sessions, miss parents, bro, dog, poetry and guitar. miss old friends, long talks, discussions and sudden silence. and most of them, I'm missing my peace. Though I find amazing moments here and there, sometimes in the classroom, sometimes while walking through the corridors, sometimes while roaming in the campus, sometimes in the hostel room, sometimes in the mess, sometimes in my night's dreams.. I do find blissful moments scattered here and there. But when they aren't there, I miss them. I wrote one, no, two poems today. Don't have the energy to type them in laptop. want to write about music, but am sort of numb as I think about it. connections.. do I need to rebuild? has something snapped off? can it? and can it ever? I think in the past two days, have spent very little time with nature. that might b...


Want to write about so many things. But may be, some other day. For the time being, posting lyrics of a song I very deeply love There's a song that's inside of my soul. It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again. I'm awake in the infinite cold, but you sing to me over and over and over again. So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope. Sing to me the song of the stars. Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again. When it feels like my dreams are so far, sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again. So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope. I give you my destiny. I'm giving you all of me. I want your symphony. Singing in all that I am. At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back. So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray to be o...
random things: - I'm happy because it's just about to rain. The thundering clouds are making my heart beat faster, the sound of the blowing wind and swaying trees is making my heart dance. waiting, just waiting for these clouds to open their hearts and pour their love on us.. the dying souls! drench my soul. -a thought of rain, the bhajan that's ringing in my head 24X7 for the past 24 hours, the charisma of these moments, the helplessness that I won't be able to drench myself in this rain (weird hostel timings or weird timing of rain??), the thought of music, the thought of children, the thought of dreams ahead, the thought of purpose, the thought of thoughts so clear, path so clear is suddenly making me feel so overwhelmed with myriad of emotions. I wan to laugh and cry, laugh and cry till I roll on floor and lose my senses totally to the divine. This can not be more awesome. This can not be more beautiful. The songs of nature, the songs of music, the songs of love, th...