Night falls, the glow of the evening lamp; sitting on the couch, it's the perfect time to write poetry, create music. _________________________________ Too close, too many, so close that you can be touched, so close that they touch you, and you shrink, you shrink, shiver, contract, and then, all of a sudden, you vanish like a note of music you become a part of those vibrations You become music. ____________________________________ There are times when several things, ideas, thoughts come rushing to you, all of a sudden, at the same time, you remember all your dreams, together, and you want to hold on to them, each one of them, tightly, so that none, not even one of them can slip away, freeing themselves from the clutches, and fly out from the corners of the fluttering mind. ___________________________________ Sometimes I miss certain things, inane, trivial things: I miss living on the top floor of a very high building, with the rest of the existence beneath me, watching the sky as ...