
Once again, it's hard to believe.
It's almost impossible.
Yet Someone somewhere always does something so sweet that I'm left in a trance-like state. Quiet, totally stumped, wordless, clueless, amazed with a deep gratitude within.

Around an year ago, when I'd listenedt to this song for the first time, it had rained that day. I responded to the rain the way I usually do. Feeling high, ecstatic, heavenly, uncontrolled, mad, like a child.

I wasn't mesmerized by some miraculous feeling the way I am right now.
I remember listening to this song day in and day out for many many days. And after ensuring that it's a part of my soul now, it slipped away. somewhere far off. somewhere deep within. lost it was. To return the way it did today.

Last night, I'd read an article online. As I woke up in the morning, I was very calm, quiet, feeling immense peace, happiness, joy. As I was attending the first class, (which I actually loved attending) suddenly was reminded of this bhajan out of nowhere. Suddenly had that intense urge to listen to it. Didn't know where to find it. Everything is blocked here! all downloading sites.

as the class got over, rushed to computer lab. Borrowed Megnaa's pendrive on the way. Checked gmail account as I'd this faint idea of forwarding this bhajan to a friend. After scanning all mails with mp3 in them, finally found the bhajan.
Fortunately was able to download it as well. (mp3s are blocked otherwise)
Copied it to pendrive. Took it to classroom where Jai (bhaiya as I love calling him) was so kind, he transferred the song to my phone through his laptop through bluetooth.

Listened to it. Once, twice, thrice, and then lost the count. Suddenly remembered how it had rained the day when I'd listened to it for the first time.

In the evening, we were in the audi. A budget discussion by profs was going on. I heard some clouds thunder. Told prashant that it's raining. He must not have believed me. Of course, after a hot sunny day, chances of rain were nil.

However, after the lecture got over, as we went out, everything was deluged in water.

I don't, really don't believe in coincidences. I just wondered: how can it be? I mean I know I've faced such coincidences so many times, especially with rain. But still, every time it happens, I'm always left wondering what it is. I really don't believe in coincidences. May be, I should believe in miracles. Right now, I dont even know how to feel. Heart is rejoicing, totally enthralled, it's He, He always talks to us this way, signals us, is so close to our souls every moment. It's we who fail to feel Him.

The head says.. how can it be. it's just a coincidence. perhaps it is, perhaps it's not.

dont know, dont want to think.
there's lots to do. but whatever it is, rain plus this bhajan.. I'm so totally loving it.

will be posting its lyrics as I type them. Right now just want to drench in rain and listen to this song, or at least do the later till I retrieve back to studies.

sakhi tere bin jo:) will be humming it for dont know how many days in a row!!

Mr. Universe: thank you for the beautiful rain. really, thank you.


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