when the...

when the quest unfurls, but the questions vanishes, it is amazing.

I'm not quite sure if this is right, but I know for the time being, it is the best in every manner.  And, it makes sense, more sense than most of the things. I've been going through a lot of confusion, a lot of random wanderings, a lot of questioning & subtle realizations. The realizations are also confusing, sometimes they mislead, while at others, they appear so meaningful. I know that whenever such confusion has happened in the past, I have believed  in my intuition. I have always clung to my innermost feelings & beliefs. Somehow, this time around, even that is tough. Good thing is I've everyone's support, bad thing is some doubts creep inside me out of nowhere (or okay!! I know from where, but let it be).

I haven't felt this kind of hustle for such a long time now. I know I should, need to and will go by my intuition. I just want to clarify this to the doubts that ring in my head every now and then-- that anyways, I've to make a choice. If not this, then something else will come up. And that something else can be anything. And if that can be anything, then why not just stick to this. At least, it's something not being forced onto me from outside, it's something I discovered myself and I've begun to feel so strongly about.

I'll leave it incomplete here. It'll find its way.


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